Friday, July 11, 2008

Late Night Temptations

God has really been working in my life. He has given me strength to overcome and mercy when I have not been successful. Lately I have been so excited about the misitry God is putting together through me that I can hardly stand it.

It is really neat to think that this ministry isn't a hand-me-down. It isn't something handed over to me from someone who didn't want it. It isn't something I would rather not accept. It isn't something to hide in the corner. It is something that God made.. brand new... just for me to use to serve Him. As each piece to the puzzle comes together, I seem to grow more and more in strength. The temptations that used to cause my emotions to knock me down and control me are not nearly as "tempting" as they used to be.

Don't get me wrong. Temptation is just as strong. The difference is that I am becoming more aware. I am seeing the better side of doing what God wants rather than what I want. I am seeing the benefits of waiting on His timing rather than my own. I am growing.

I was so proud of myself last night over a very wise decision I had made. It was a choice to avoid the opportunity for temptation. It was a choice that I didn't necessarily want to make, but knew there was a better reason for it. Some things are worth waiting for. I was able to put away Satan's offer to entice and put me in a situation where I may weak. I know that really BITES for him! LOL

You know, if Satan can't defeat you while you are fully awake when you are at your best, he tried to catch you off guard. Nothing like a late night phone call to get the temptations rising. Satan is smart and sneaks up on you. In my half asleep state, normally I would have fallen right into the temptation... willingly. But God gave me stregnth! Not only was I able to avoid temptation, but I used the time of interrupted sleep to spend some extra time with God.

What Satan wanted to use for defeat, God turned into victory! What can be better than that!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Hand-Me-Down Beliefs

I can't believe I haven't posted in so long. Life gets us busy. There is much I want to share, but this is on my mind and it cannot wait.

I just spent the past two hours debating my beliefs with a friend. I have to say, I was beginning to get a little hot under the collar so to speak. I will not go into all the details of the conversation. Many of the topics were doctrinally related. I have made it a general rule not to argue doctrine, especially with a fellow believer. I think there are too many divides in God's children already because of this. I do however, think it is important to know what you believe and why.

As I may have shared before, I was raised in a very legalistic church. Many of the beliefs and doctrines I still hold today; but many were a hindrance in my spiritual growth for years.

When talking about beliefs, whether it is between eternal security and the requirement of works to show fruit; whether it is about using the JKV instead of the other translations; whether it is if women should wear pants or not... whatever the disagreement; we as Christians need to know why we believe what we believe.

So many of us don't even have a true understanding of what we believe. We believe what we have heard for years growing up in the church. Did we ever really require there to be validation in the beliefs, practices, and doctrines we stand so firmly by? I think you would agree that the tendency of beliefs are more out of tradition.

I have said I am tired of hand-me-downs. I believe this includes those hand-me-down beliefs that I haven't searched out an proved for myself. I challenge you to examine your beliefs, your codes of ethics, your doctrines. Do you really know why you believe them? Can you support your beliefs with actual scriptures? Try examining your own life and get rid of those hand-me-down beliefs.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Blessings, Bereavement, Boundaries, and BS... yes that is bluntly what I said.

So why not be real? God forgive me if my bluntness offends, but God knows what I am thinking, so why not share it. I know I should start with the blessings, but if I do I will talk myself out of addressing the BS which is what is really getting under my skin and I can't think of any other word to use. Where do I begin?

I guess I don't even know what I am wanting to say. I am so frustrated with myself that I want to scream. Have you ever thought God told you something only to doubt it? How in the world do you really know what God is telling you unless He speaks in a burning bush or literally writes it on the wall?

Does anyone know where I am going with this?.......Good, cause apparently, I don't either. Let me start from the beginning.

I walked into court Wednesday thinking it would be the first trip of many for the finalities of divorce. To my surprise, I walked out a single woman. An absolute divorce was granted with no mediation or agreements concerning the kids, property, custody, anything. I had no idea I would walk out a single woman... yes, still in shock!

I must say, God was so with me during the entire episode. My mom, "just happened" to have planned a week to visit me (that is entirely another story for blogging), but she was there for support. Richard was amiable which made things much less stressful. It was such a sad occasion... so many people there ending their lives as one. I just wanted to cry for everyone. The thought of so many people ending their commitments to each other. For one brief moment... I honestly wished things would have been different. I never wanted my divorce. It was so hard sitting there... still loving the man that I was about to be legally removed from for the rest of my life. I can't explain it.. but it was just such extreme sadness. I had no idea what bereavement I would have over that one day.

Anyway... oh I swear I am so ADD, I cannot stay focused.

Needless to say.. I have truly been mourning this week. I have no idea what is going to happen with the kids... the price you pay for not having the price lawyers want you to pay and going into court unrepresented. I am just trusting God to take care of it all. What else can I do? I am still claiming "NO MORE HAND-ME-DOWNS" and that is what I am expecting God to do for me. HE will take care of me and give me only the best in the final settlement.

So now that I am finally officially divorced... you would think I would be excited, especially since I have been dating for the last year. (We have been separated almost 2 years.... and yes, I feel the need to justify myself.) But of course this whole relationship thing is driving me crazy! Those of you who are more legalistic will say that is what I deserve because I should have never been dating while still officially married anyway. All I can say is that I am doing the best I can and trying to hear God and obey him in the situation I am at.... I see God in such a more loving way these days. Not someone standing over me with a whip and chain forcing me to follow all these rules... but as a gracious daddy that gently directs his little girl in the right direction when she strays.

Boy.. if you are following me still... you are good! Oh well... I am just rambling...ranting...raving... whatever it is... it is cheaper than therapy! :O)

Ok... so here is the deal. I finally gave up something I wanted to hold onto so tightly in January. God helped me finally let go and trust him in the whole relationship scenario. I had been holding onto what I thought was a really good thing for me... something that I didn't want to let go of... something comfortable... comforting....something I could control....or maybe something that was controlling me. I decided God didn't want me to keep hanging onto the hand-me-downs... the things and people in life that weren't GOD'S BEST for me. And no sooner than I let go... I had someone walk into my life... that seemed... seemed perfect. I wasn't even sure about it.. but before I knew it.. I was feeling confirmation that God was telling me this was THE ONE.. and this was my Calling.. so to speak.

Oh it is so hard to be vague enough to keep the"innocent" parties unknown.. and still tell my story..... anyway......

Long story short.... I am seeing that I am putting myself in the same situation and relationships that I had before that were so detrimental to me. I am letting myself be taken advantage of.. and feeling like it is some sort of calling to "fix" people at my (and unfortunately my kids') expense. What is up with that? Why can't someone just love me the way I need to be loved?

Yes... I know.. I have to love myself first. And I have to create healthy boundaries... and ughh!!! it is just so much dang work...why does it have to be so hard?

God is growing me.. despite what you may think from my lack of eloquent words. He is showing me in Jeremiah 24:7 that He will give me a heart to know Him.. as He has... and He will be my God, because I am giving Him all my heart.

He is reminding me that I am His "Zion" or as I have been reading it for a couple years now...his "baby girl" as He speaks to me directly in scripture like in Zephaniah 3:16-20 where He says...(in my paraphrase of course) "Don't be afraid... baby girl....your God.. your daddy... is here to save you. He's happy to have you back.. he'll calm you with his love.. just praise him! Your sorrows and troubles are about to be over.. I am going to get rid of them... you have carried them long enough."

There has been so much growth just this week... remember what I said about my mom? yes she came to help me clean house. Little did I know God would be doing his own house cleaning too. I am feeling a bit empty because I have gotten rid of so much.. but God keeps reminding me... NO MORE HAND-ME-DOWNS.... Oh that is horrible.. especially when you start digging through the trash seeing what God is trying to throw out... (another analogy I will share with you some other time).

So.. the bereavement is natural... the boundaries are healthy... the BS? Well that should find another name I know.. but I cannot believe the way some people are so self involved that they don't even realize the pain they are causing others. I am tired of trying to fix other people... dag gone it... I am a cracked pot and it is time to try and fix my own cracks before I try to help someone else. I don't have time for all this drama anyway. Why would God tell me that a man is "the one" when he isn't someone that is healthy for me? So I am stuck between realizing I am not good at hearing God.. or figuring out why God wants me to settle than less than the best... or figuring He just wants me to wait on this one to straighten up his act.... OH LIFE IS COMPLICATED!!!!

I guess I will just take it one day at a time..... it is a day of new beginnings. On the 30th I became a new SINGLE woman.... (that could be fun now, couldn't it?) There may just be some wonderful Christian man just waiting to find a woman like me with wonderful kids like mine.. who wants to share a ministry and use the trash in the past to create a treasure for the future.

God has blessed me beyond belief... my home is getting cleaned out now.. I have enough set out to have a huge yard sale which will bring us a little extra cash... and if not... IT IS OUT OF MY HOME and I have made room for only God's best..... today there was a HUGE answer to prayer for our family financially.. that ONLY GOD could have been in.... there are soooo many blessings.

And the biggest blessing of all.... these struggles... the confusions... the words said that shouldn't be said.. like "BS"... all these are pieces to a puzzle... a puzzle of God creating me to be the perfect picture of who HE wants me to be.. not who my mom wants me to be... not who my kids want me to be... not who my ex thought I should've been... not who some man expects me to be.. .not even who I want to be.... but the person that God created me to be... before I was ever even in my mother's womb.

WOW.... when you think of it that way.. it sounds actually a bit exciting.

Pray for me... I am still going through the fires... but I know God is working on me. If only I can learn to SHINE for Him in everything I do. One baby step at a time.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Changing the Subject on Purpose

So as I am reading my blog tonight I look over and see a Google ad that just isn't quite appropriate for some reason or other. So whether this is a good reason to post or not, at least maybe I can get some better key words in my blog that will change my ads to something more Christian based.

Being a Christian used to be so easy for me. Isn't that a shame to even come out of my mouth? This entire divorce and living as a single mom has really thrown me into a spiral of new experiences, trials, stuggles and temptations that I never dreamed of all these years of being a Christian.

When you grow up in church, hang out with the pastor's kids (before they hit that "bad kid" stage.. LOL), go to Christian boarding school, and Bible college... it is easy to really almost ignore the world around you. You get to be almost in a robot mode doing and saying the things that are expected of you. It almost becomes like a program... or a play that you have memorized the line to.

I had the opportunity to hear the wonderful man that I am dating preach for the first time last week. It was such a neat experience, but he spoke about something so common for those of us raised all our lives in the church. He spoke on being a pretender. You know I realized that sometimes we become pretenders without even realizing it. We just go about our days without even thinking.. being what is expected, doing the status quo, not even thinking about the things we are doing and why we are doing them... or doing them for the same reason over and over.... IT IS WHAT IS EXPECTED.

Yes, I am going somewhere with this. I have gone so long doing what is expected, that when life suddenly threw me the unexpected... HELP>>>> I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!

What is it Lord that I as a Christian am supposed to do? What do I do when I mess up? I have never messed up like this before. Am I just talking to the walls here? Has any of you growing up in the church finally come to the realization that your Christian life wasn't actually your life.. but the life you were expected to have? Does God get real joy and honor from a life like that?

In my frustration with myself and my recent failures throughout this entire divorce thing especially, I have come to realize that I have had a relationship with God over all these years... but.... I am not so sure that relationship has really been my own. It is like all the other things I have been posting about being hand-me-downs. Oh yeah.... I even found a verse the other day with that exact phrase in it. It was in the Message... give me a minute... I think I will try to find it.............

Go ahead.. count... 1-100, 2-100, 3-100..... I am still looking.

WoW!!! I actually found it.. you can stop counting now... I know it was more than a minute in real time.. but you will never know.. HA :O)

It is in Malachi 1:1-11. The part about the hand-me-downs says this:

"And when you do offer something to me, it's a hand-me-down, or broken, or useless. Do you think I am going to accept it? This is God speaking to you!"

You need to read the entire selection of scripture.. but it really hit me. I keep trying to give my hand-me-downs. I am not giving Him my best. The verses are about worship and how we should worship God. I have only been worshipping him with my hand-me-downs... other people's beliefs, the things I really don't care whether I keep or give up. Those are the things I hand over to God. What about the things that matter?

I have struggled with one sin in particular over the past year or so... I can honestly say it is the first time I remember really struggling over giving something COMPLETELY over to God. I only want to hand it over to God when it is convenient.. or when it is easy. I want to hand all the other hand-me-downs to Him, but for some reason.. this is just a struggle.

I don't want to pretend.. and I don't want to ignore God... but what is with this whole... I am more important than God thing? I mean, in the moment.. that isn't what I am really thinking.. but that is what my actions say over and over again. Where do you find balance in pleasing God and not allowing yourself to chose to sin over and over again, but also resting in the fact that God is a merciful and forgiving God? You can't PLAN to mess up and then ask for forgiveness. How do you completely rely on God's strength at a time where your mind runs from the whole dilima of whether you are making a right decision or not?

Our pastor made a wonderful statement yesterday. He was speaking on honoring your parents.. it was an excellent message for the kids.. but he also challenged the adults. He told the kids that parents didn't have to earn the respect of being honored.. .they should do it cause they were children and they should be thankful enough just in the fact of being a parent.. to honor their mother and father. He also said that we should HONOR God just because he is our Father if no other reason.

I got to thinking. We usually obey out of fear of being punished. But HONOR comes out of love. I can chose to obey God's commands because I want to please him.. avoid consequences, etc. But I can show Him true love by honoring Him and keeping His commandments to me.

Another point the pastor made to the kids in the congregation is that when they honor their parents by obeying them and showing them love... parents are so much more apt to give them what they ask for... and show their love more exuberantly. How much more is God like that!

Yes, I have rambled quite a bit... LOL... seem to do that quite a bit lately. I know I kind of jumped around too. Have I mentioned I am ADD? LOOK! There's a rabbit! LOL Just kidding! Just wondered how many of you share my joy of being easily distracted.

Anyway, I don't know if that ad is gone now.. but if you see a odd sort of Google ad on here, please forgive me... I AM TRYING TO MAKE SOME MONEY WITH THIS INSANITY... LOL... Hey! I have to get money from somewhere if I am not going to take Hand-Me-Downs anymore.. LOL.

God bless! And remember, God doesn't want your hand-me-downs either.. so just throw them out!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Giving Up the Old

So I complained about the hand-me-downs, not thinking it may hurt someone who had actually handed something down to me. I really didn't mean this whole blog to be about ungreatfulness at all. I am so appreciative of all the blessings that are sent my way. Just for clarification, I really wasn't meaning to be so literal. I just know God has better for me than the left overs, the settling, the hand-me-downs of life.

One of my dearest friends has been telling me a story for years. She keeps telling me the story to back up her advice on giving up a few things in my life. She tells a story of a little girl that has a favorite necklace she got in a dime store. It wasn't fancy, but she picked it out. She grew to love the necklace, it was her very best favorite thing. Every night her daddy would take her to tuck her in and say, "Do you love me?"

As the little girl said, "yes," the father asked for her favorite necklace. She would tell her daddy how much she loved him, but refused to give him the necklace. She felt sad and told her daddy she was sorry, but explained how much it meant to her. Each time her daddy would kiss her on the forhead and say, "I understand; I still love you."

One day, after many years of the little girl telling her daddy she just couldn't let go of this necklace that meant so much to her.... this necklace that was comfortable, that had memories, that she had grown accustomed to.... one day, her daddy asked her again. This time the girl looked at her daddy, and wanting him to know how much she really loved him back, handed him her necklace.

As she handed him her necklace, he grinned the sweetest grin and in turn handed her a beautiful box. In the box was a beautiful pearl necklace worth far more than the dime store necklace. It was beautiful and fit the now almost young woman perfectly.

That's what I mean by hand-me-downs, things I have held onto. that really have no value other than the memories or the comfort they bring.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

There were some things I have been olding onto for a long time. Some things I held onto because they had good memories; some things I held onto because they were familiar; and other things, I just held onto because I was stubborn and wanted them too badly. Not all of those things were bad, but God has definately had better. He has been sitting there besided me, just waiting for me to say, "Daddy, I love you so much, I am going to trust you and give you these things that are so important to me."

Can you believe there is even a verse for this in the bible? Why not? You can find verses to apply to every aspect of your life there, why not this?

Luke 14:33 says, "Simply put, if you are not willing to take what is dearest to you, whether plans or people, and kiss it goodbye, you can't be my disciple." It doesn't say we are no longer God's child, but we can't be a disciple, a person of God's discipline and blessing.

I have given that little dime store necklace to God. It wasn't easy, and I wanted to take it back and say, "you know what God.. you know I love you, I really need that necklace." But the coolest thing is that as I was about ready to reach out and snatch that necklace back, God has handed me a beautiful new pearl necklace. It is just soooo cool! I mean... I never, never, never imagined something that could be so bautiful. I was just expecting God to replace my necklace with another dime store necklace when mine finally wore out and broke. But, because He loves me so much, had something so much more valuable just waiting on me to accept.

God promises to give us the desires of our heart. We get so tied up in taking the hand-me-downs of life, that sometimes, we just get in a rutt of accepting second best. I pray God will help me to remember that His plan is ALWAYS best. My job is to just be patient, wait on it, and give Him the things He asks me for.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

No More Hand-Me-Downs Please

Yes, I should be thankful for hand-me-downs. And quite honestly, I am. Without the generosity of those willing to hand-down, my hands would have been empty on more occasions than I can imagine.

Hand-me-downs have always been the "intercessor" so to speak for the real needs or wants in my life. As a child, I got hand-me-down toys from my aunt. As a teenager (and always), I've had hand-me-down cars. As and adult, it has been hand-me-down furniture. When I couldn't afford to get it on my own, I have always seemed to have to settle for hand-me-downs.

There are other hand-me-downs in my life too. Beliefs, passions, ideas, dreams...funny but in the past year or so, I have realized that the very essence of who I am is just a hand-me-down. I have never been my own person. I have always let other people's ideas and convictions be handed down to me. It is time for me to step up and start owning some things of my own. It is time to work a little harder and save up for those things I want and desire, rather than settling for a hand-me-down.

I know this sounds kind of crazy, but it is so true. There is nothing wrong with hand-me-downs in the right circumstances. But as the New Year begins, I want this year to be a year of No More Hand-Me-Downs. I want to claim each event or decision in my life as my own, not something someone else was tired of, so they pawned off on me for one reason or another.

I was inspired by this name from reading Isaiah.. It is talking about the renewing of God's people. Isaiah 60:16 says, "You know that I, God, am your Savior, your Redeemer, Champion of Jacob. I'll give you only the best- no more hand-me-downs!" I am finally realizing that God wants only the best for me. If I keep accepting hand-me-downs from everyone else, my life is going to eventually either be filled with junk, or stuff that really doesn't represent me anyway.

I want to discover my own beliefs, convictions, ideas, and you know... even my own NEW set of furniture. I want to discover God's best for my life. So I guess it is time for the first step...the step I have been dreading... CLEANING OUT THE OLD STUFF! Some things are just setting around cluttering up my life, so they will be easy to get rid of, but there are some other things that have become sentimental.. which will be much harder.

Keep me in your prayers. God has a new beginning for 2008. One more thing, don't be offended if I say to you, "NO MORE HAND-ME-DOWNS", it only means I have decided to wait for God's best.