Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Giving Up the Old

So I complained about the hand-me-downs, not thinking it may hurt someone who had actually handed something down to me. I really didn't mean this whole blog to be about ungreatfulness at all. I am so appreciative of all the blessings that are sent my way. Just for clarification, I really wasn't meaning to be so literal. I just know God has better for me than the left overs, the settling, the hand-me-downs of life.

One of my dearest friends has been telling me a story for years. She keeps telling me the story to back up her advice on giving up a few things in my life. She tells a story of a little girl that has a favorite necklace she got in a dime store. It wasn't fancy, but she picked it out. She grew to love the necklace, it was her very best favorite thing. Every night her daddy would take her to tuck her in and say, "Do you love me?"

As the little girl said, "yes," the father asked for her favorite necklace. She would tell her daddy how much she loved him, but refused to give him the necklace. She felt sad and told her daddy she was sorry, but explained how much it meant to her. Each time her daddy would kiss her on the forhead and say, "I understand; I still love you."

One day, after many years of the little girl telling her daddy she just couldn't let go of this necklace that meant so much to her.... this necklace that was comfortable, that had memories, that she had grown accustomed to.... one day, her daddy asked her again. This time the girl looked at her daddy, and wanting him to know how much she really loved him back, handed him her necklace.

As she handed him her necklace, he grinned the sweetest grin and in turn handed her a beautiful box. In the box was a beautiful pearl necklace worth far more than the dime store necklace. It was beautiful and fit the now almost young woman perfectly.

That's what I mean by hand-me-downs, things I have held onto. that really have no value other than the memories or the comfort they bring.

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There were some things I have been olding onto for a long time. Some things I held onto because they had good memories; some things I held onto because they were familiar; and other things, I just held onto because I was stubborn and wanted them too badly. Not all of those things were bad, but God has definately had better. He has been sitting there besided me, just waiting for me to say, "Daddy, I love you so much, I am going to trust you and give you these things that are so important to me."

Can you believe there is even a verse for this in the bible? Why not? You can find verses to apply to every aspect of your life there, why not this?

Luke 14:33 says, "Simply put, if you are not willing to take what is dearest to you, whether plans or people, and kiss it goodbye, you can't be my disciple." It doesn't say we are no longer God's child, but we can't be a disciple, a person of God's discipline and blessing.

I have given that little dime store necklace to God. It wasn't easy, and I wanted to take it back and say, "you know what God.. you know I love you, I really need that necklace." But the coolest thing is that as I was about ready to reach out and snatch that necklace back, God has handed me a beautiful new pearl necklace. It is just soooo cool! I mean... I never, never, never imagined something that could be so bautiful. I was just expecting God to replace my necklace with another dime store necklace when mine finally wore out and broke. But, because He loves me so much, had something so much more valuable just waiting on me to accept.

God promises to give us the desires of our heart. We get so tied up in taking the hand-me-downs of life, that sometimes, we just get in a rutt of accepting second best. I pray God will help me to remember that His plan is ALWAYS best. My job is to just be patient, wait on it, and give Him the things He asks me for.

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